Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hasslington Begins

Thank you for taking the time to view this blog-site, which is principally and foremost concerned with issues related to American (and, to a lesser extent, European) politics and culture, and how they affect both domestic and international affairs. I both hope and assume that this site's areas of most intense concern will alter and evolve over time. This is to suggest that both my thoughts and those of my readership will help to shape its niche' in the blog-o-sphere in an increasingly full and focused manner, which will occur over a gradual period of time, accompanied by instances of trial and error on my part...and perhaps on your part, as well.

In the United States, as well as in much of the rest of the world, the present issue of political preoccupation is in large part the 2008 American presidential election cycle, begun in an earnest manner in late 2006 (though one could very well suggest that it began after the 2004 presidential election results were finalized). It seems fitting, therefore, that many of the posts in the forthcoming months of 2008 will focus on this particular area of interest. You will have ample opportunities to discover my often-evolving political tendencies (I am a Democrat, though hardly of the far-left variety) in relation to this and related issues, so I will say no more on the subject at this moment apart from the fact that I tend to refer to myself as what Americans would call "a social liberal" (though that certainly has its exceptions), whereas in other areas of policy I am a bit more unpredictable.

Before I sign off for now, let me make one thing very clear: I welcome open-minded debate, so your comments and concerns regarding the issues this blog covers are very welcome indeed. If you agree with me, let me know, and WHY; if you disagree with me, let me know, and WHY; if you both agree and disagree with some aspects of what I have to say, well, that's when the real fun of uncovering cultural and political complexities comes into play...so, again, let me know, and WHY. However, please be sure to remain respectful of the viewpoints of others, whether or not they dovetail with your own, and please keep your tone civil (though the occasional well-placed sarcastic comment might also prove to be helpful).

Thanks again for stopping by this site. Soon it will be time to start the discussion....


Flash said...

Welcome to the fray


Anonymous said...


I've been reading your blog. Nice to read posts by another person who believes in Richardson and still cares enough to keep writing about him. Unfortunately, this time, there just weren't the funds to stay in the campaign, and he is a fiscally conservative guy. (Please, I hope you will donate towards his campaign debt if you havn't already donated to the limit, and ask your friends to do the same.)

I fully support Barack Obama now, and would like to see Richardson appointed as his VP. Once the American people see the results of his work, I believe that they will have to agree with your assessment and mine, that Bill Richardson was and will be the most qualified of the presidential candidates.

Do you mind if I add a link to you from my blog?

Please keep your posts coming--you've got at least one interested reader!

Mom of three said...

Obama is a very qualified leader and the country is behind him. An Obama/Richardson team would be the team of two who's policies are most compatible which is why I am very glad Richardson endorsed Obama, though the backlash of unjust criticism he recieved for it has been a bit intense. I was very relieved as I personally would have had more difficulty backing Hillary. Sounds like you havn't made up your mind yet?

Hasslington said...

Thanks, everyone, for your thought-provoking comments. They are much appreciated.

Myriam, yes, I would be honored if you were to add a link to my blog.

Just for clarity's sake: of the three remaining candidates, I believe that Senator Obama is the best choice for president, so I am supporting him (but I am not doing so in the full-on manner that I supported Governor Richardson; of all of the original two dozen-or-so Democrats and Republicans in the race, I felt that Governor Richardson and Senator Biden were the two best....)

Mom of three said...

I trust you agree that Richardson would be Obama's best choice for VP?

I hope you and your other readers would consider donating to Obama (even just a little), writing a note in the comments asking him to nominate Richardson as his running mate.

The more people who do this, the more the Obama campaign will understand that we the people most support Richardson as his choice.