Saturday, November 8, 2008

Busy Weekend

It's a busy weekend for me, folks. I have about a hundred final quarter grades to submit via the computer, which would be easier if I hadn't started my present teaching job just three weeks ago. Hence, I have to figure-out point totals and percentage "weights," as well as go through late papers assigned prior to my tenure and figure out how to grade them.

It's therefore the case that I won't have another substantive post for a few days or so. But I promise to examine the recent U.S. presidential election as well as the emerging cabinet soon.

For now, there are these Hasslington endorsements, which I'll flesh-out later:

Secretary of State: Bill Richardson (though there are a lot of good potential Secretaries of State from which to choose). Please see my July endorsement of Governor Richardson for further details.

Defense Secretary: Robert Gates (at least for a little while longer).

Attorney General: Janet Napolitano.

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